
ReWilding: Embracing your wild, awesome, authentic self underneath the decades of shitty modern-culture programming

ReWild Through Sovereignty Coaching

This is the journey of shedding all the programming that keeps you from being the full, aware, and embodied creator of your reality.

Embracing your sovereignty means living up to your full potential as a spiritual being having a human experience. It means looking at your life with eyes wide open, able to shift your reality through conscious intention.

Sovereignty comes from healing our past trauma, integrating our shadow, embracing our unconscious awareness, and embodying our intuitive knowing going forth into the future.


You’ve been called to unleash your wild awe. As we evolve into the New Age, the urgency of us humans to shed our enslavement grows. It grows within each of us as discord, frustration, anxiety, depression, and a secret seed of knowing that there is something more to you and your existence.

You’ve been enslaved, and the good and bad news is this: You are your own captor. This is terrible, because you cannot run from yourself. This is also amazing, because it means you have the complete and total power to grant yourself sovereignty and the wild awe you are seeking.

To you: Sacred Rebel, Healing Warrior, Empath and People-Pleaser. To you that have worked so hard to be “good” and “right” and yet found yourself feeling deeply outside of modern society and its structures. To you, I offer the invite into sovereignty. I invite you to feel deeply connected to the experience of being human as well as being a god. I invite you to step away from your experience of being victimized by a system, a family unit, or a relationship, and step into your own incredible awesome power.

Sary’s purpose on this planet is to serve as catalyst and muse for your evolution. She is an expert in the Unconsciousness Arts. Empathy, Sight, Alchemy, and Inquiry are her superpowers, which guide her in her work as Sovereignty Coach and Healer. She has lived a life off the beaten path, and her unique perspective builds on the educational foundation of neurology, psychology, and shadow work to provide rapid transformational experiences. Sary helps her clients embody their personal power, awe, and joy using a unique blend of ancient understanding and modern scientific study. Her ideal client includes Empaths, Neurodivergent people, and sacred rebels ready to heal and embrace their magical purpose.

Meet Sary

What Her Clients are Saying:



“Sary, with my full permission, broke open my unconscious, peeling back the layers to find those pivotal moments that have shaped me and that have ultimately held me back from reaching wholeness. My work with Sary transformed me in ways I never imagined... She guided me through some of the most charged aspects of my life with such grace that I am transformed. Before our work together, it felt like I was navigating through the dark, my body was mysterious to me, my relationships lacked the kind of depth I desired, my inner world was not matching my outer expression, and old traumas around shame and unworthiness were shadows operating on me without my understanding of them. With each and every session uncovering so much, it felt like a full year worth of inner work had been done. I feel a powerful reconciliation within me after our work together!”



I spent my whole life surrounded by people that believed that DOING and HAVING are of utmost importance. 

I did my best to do more, to accomplish more things and HAVE more, hoping that I will arrive at a place of satisfaction and happiness. 

This never happened. I divorced, I suffered a hard break up, I went very close to bankruptcy 3 times. 

I thought that I am unhappy because I'm flawed...

Sary swept all my worries away with a breath. She saw through me and within me. She saw that DOING and HAVING were an energetic setting! 

Changing the energetic setting first, was necessary to then change my patterns, my behaviour, my feelings of not being enough. 

Thank you Sary! I feel less pressured to constantly DO or HAVE. I can enjoy being myself, with ease.



I don’t feel like many people truly get me, but I definitely felt a kindred spirit within Sary. She was able to meet me right where I am at, and then take me to places I really needed and wanted to go, and even some places I didn’t know I did! I felt in safe, capable hands. Sary is wise beyond her years, and a gifted communicator and guide. I would highly recommend her, and that’s a rare thing for me to say.... cause I’m damn picky.


Shed that which is holding you back, today.